Where your pets bring you smiles and laughter or if you need that disconnect from real life, then soon you with have come to the right place for some Pet Fun! Our top coders and visual inspirationalists are on the job.
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Have you ever seen a dog actually laugh out loud?
I mean laugh so loud he has to clear his throat and sigh when he’s done with all the fun? Or have you ever watched your 100 lb German Shepherd boy do a somersault (yes I said a somersault and I’m not kidding!) as he takes a hike with mom and dad on the first warm day of Spring with the tall grass tickling his nose?
It’s hard to believe that would be possible if you haven’t experienced the absolute happiness a loved pet can bring to your lives. The stories, pictures and videos of our four legged (or two!) family friends help to keep our lives in balance.
Just watching your kitty can bring delight as she becomes enamored for hours with just a twisty tie that fell on the linoleum… so much so that she has to store it in her food dish for later, along with her favorite fuzzy ball.
Our pets show us such unconditional love with very little expected in return.
They are happy with just a pat on the head, a scratch under the chin, a timely meal and fresh water. Along with some playful exercise, that’s pretty much all they need.
If we could all learn to show that same kind of unmerited acceptance to our neighbor, our co-worker, that jerk that cut us off on the highway, we could live a much less stressful life, relaxing figuratively in the afternoon sunbeam that kisses the carpet….belly up of course!
In sharing the everyday stories of our German Shepherd-Husky mix Neiko, and past stories of our German Shepherd Caleb, and our iguana Buddy, we noticed how our friends and family welcome these story’s with delighted laughter.
So we came up with the idea of Pet Fun to provide an avenue to everyone where you can share your stories with us, with everyone on our site, PetFun.com.
Whether happy or sad, humorous or grieving, you can share your thoughts and feelings with like-minded pet lovers. So bring your stories, pictures and videos of your adored pet friends and share some Pet Fun with us!